…When guys don’t get them

So you’re seeing this girl. All seems to be going swell until she turns into your worst nightmare. It’s often said that if anyone can figure out exactly what girls want they’d make a ton of money. Well bring out your cheque books, here it is. Girls don’t know what they want, not really.

Every girl from a young age will have a general idea of the kind of guy they want to marry. Maybe someone like their father of brothers. A bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, for obvious reasons. They want someone tall, fluent in 3 languages who can sing, play the guitar, cook, maybe paint. A guy who handles business. A Humphrey Bogart, superman with tons of money and an accent.

But all of a sudden they grow up and realize their dream guy doesn’t exist and may never exist. And after spending their college years on tons of dates with different types of guys, they realize maybe dreams don’t come true, at least in this instance.

My guess why most relationships fail is because of unrealistic expectations. Girls put their boyfriends on such high pedestals that absolutely no human can attain. She claims to want a guy who’ll treat her right and yet she keeps running after jerks and guys who don’t care.

There are different kinds of people in this world. It’s silly to generalize and say all men are the same because they’re not. When it comes to the basics of it yeah,must guys reason in the same almost predictable linear way but there are overlying complexities that make each guy who he is.

So once you have come to terms with the fact that as a guy you can never 100% satisfy your girl, you’ve made a sharp right to peaceville. Now what’s next. You focus on being the best guy you can be. This takes a lot of time and effort. Thought and energy and in some cases money too.

I think most girls can agree that what they need from their spouse is love and affection, a certain amount of attention and some thought. Most guys trip over the time part but the truth is no girl is going to demand all your free time and attention unless she’s got stalkerish tendencies bordering on obsession.

So Valentine’s day is around the corner and your figuring out what plans to make. Don’t make last minute plans, she’ll know and she’ll be pissed. Put some thought into it. Think about her favorite things or restaurant it doesn’t have to be expensive just enough to show you did more than pick out a card from the convenience store and sign your name.

And girls we seem to have misunderstood. Valentine’s day isn’t just about your guy doing stuff for you. There are two of you in that relationship. Un, deux. You do something special. You make an effort. Be gracious if his plans don’t go down as well as they should. Show you appreciate the thought. Men like to receive affirmation, to be validated and to feel appreciated just like you.

Remember relationships are only as hard as you make them.

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